Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
62 kg (137 lbs)
170 cm (5'7'')
English, German, Russian
English level
Current occupation
Marital status
Never married
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Irina 34
Mykolaiv, Ukraine
ID: 213562
Why are you here?
I hope to meet a man for a serious relationship and in the future for marriage. I'm not looking for an ideal man. Sometimes flaws make a person special.
I have a child but I think that for my man this will not be a problem and he will accept my child as his own. Despite the past experience of my relationship, I still believe that somewhere there is that man who drives me crazy and can kindle a flame of passion and love within me.
I have a child but I think that for my man this will not be a problem and he will accept my child as his own. Despite the past experience of my relationship, I still believe that somewhere there is that man who drives me crazy and can kindle a flame of passion and love within me.
Your character
I'm one of the lonely Ukrainian girls here on a dating site that believes in love. I'm an adult girl and I know what I want from this life. My friends often say that I am a very kind and bright person with a good sense of humor. In a relationship for me, passion is very important kissing, hugging, cozy evenings with a loved one. It seems to me there is nothing more beautiful than to feel like a little girl in the strong embrace of a real man. It's never boring with me and it's very easy to have fun with me. Want to try?
I am a single Ukrainian girl who wants to be happy. Dating site helps to know the man and woman to each other better before the actual meeting. I believe that singles chatrooms will help me to find one man for all my life. I don`t want play any games and all what i want to create strong and happy family.