Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
54 kg (119 lbs)
167 cm (5'6'')
English level
Current occupation
Marital status
Never married
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Viktoriya 33
Kharkiv, Ukraine
ID: 252933
Why are you here?
I am looking for a confident man, who is ready to take me by the hand and walk the stairs of life with me, through the good, the bad and the ugly periods that may face us. I wish for a man who is a not scared to be confident in his wishes and what he wants from life, love and his partner. I need to for him to place his strong hands on me and to love and protect me, care and adore me every day. Laughing is a great remedy for everything, so someone with a great sense of humor would be a factor that I am looking for. I am ready to open myself to a man who remembers that a woman’s heart is a very fragile part of the woman and knows how to treat a woman’s mind.
Your character
I would describe myself as an easy going, positive and cheerful woman. I have a great sense of humor and I always look at the positive things in front of me even faced with obstacles. I have a strong character and I am a determined to achieve my aims in life that I have set out. One of my aims in life is to be happy, not just happy from outside and smiling but I am wishing to be happy inside and find my harmony. I am quite a unique woman in this way, as a lot of people are afraid of reaching out to find their happiness, me on the other hand, I am ready to dive in deep and find what I am looking for. I don’t believe in fate as such, as I believe our lives are what we make of them and I am ready to make mine a great one!
My biggest hobby is gymnastics and I am earned many sporting awards in this field. I am slender and very flexible because I have been doing gymnastics since I was very little. I adore dancing to the music whilst warming up and exercising and I express my emotions through the movement of dance and I find that this is an amazing stress relief also. During competitions, when I hear the audience applaud to me, my heart fills happiness and my desire to achieve bigger and higher aims in life. I also enjoy, reading about architecture and learn new things that were unknown to me previously. Over the years, passions change and I'm ready to learn about your hobbies that might be of an interest to me.