Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
50 kg (110 lbs)
168 cm (5'6'')
Not filled
English level
Current occupation
writer, photomodel
Marital status
Never married
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Anna 31
Vinnytsia, Ukraine
ID: 337440
Why are you here?
First I thought it's some philosophical question, like - why we (humanity) here? But, fortunately, I got what this question is about and its meaning made it even more bizarre =) I want to say that it's dating site, basing on this fact... we all here... for dating xD K, I won't act myself like a smarty pants!
I'm here to meet person, who understands that love is not an instant, but attainable feeling. Attraction is instant. Photo, phrase in chat, letter - anything of this can be a trigger. So, let's just pull the trigger ;)
I'm here to meet person, who understands that love is not an instant, but attainable feeling. Attraction is instant. Photo, phrase in chat, letter - anything of this can be a trigger. So, let's just pull the trigger ;)
Your character
To tell you about me, hm... So small space for that here xD But, in few words, I'll try ;) I'm photo model, and this occupation sometimes speaks louder than me, and distract men from the fact, that I'm normal woman, with preferences, views, issues etc. I can tell with confidence - cover of this book doesn't reflect its plot, but I do hope that you like interesting books with attractive covers =p
Gym is temple of discipline. Due to my job I spend a lot of time there, boxing and working out. But my trainer would tell you the real reason why gym is the second home for me! It's all sweets! I'm sweet-tooth! xD So if you'll beckon me with some sweet treat I won't be able to resist =p Also I read a lot. That's right! I like to read, because writing is one of the greatest ways to immerse people into worlds they never knew. Who knows, maybe one day my letters will immerse you into my inner world, and your journey will lead you to actual meeting ;)