Lady's Profile

Graceful Allure: Tatyana, 28 y.o. from Kharkiv, Ukraine — VeronikaLove
Zodiac sign
51 kg (112 lbs)
169 cm (5'7'')
English level
Current occupation
Marital status
Never married
Greek Orthodox
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?

Tatyana 28

Kharkiv, Ukraine

ID: 366204

Tatyana's photos

Why are you here?
Love is a gift which I want to give to my man .. It’s what will make our life much more brighter!
I will not love you for something but I will just love for your existence in my life!
I want to love you from all my heart and make our life brighter and happier!
Let's find ourselves in happiness and enjoy every day together!
Your character
I am greatest enthusiast you can ever imagine! )) I am very affable and like new people in my life. My doors always open 24/7 for my friends and relatives, because they know where to go if something happened. Life wasn’t kind and sweet with me and in my young age I have learned to solve problems. In fact, I even take them as some challenge I need to win. Often I hear I am too passionless and indifferent. But it’s only externally. Deep inside I am real volcano )) and sometimes can explode))) Joking, of course, but as I like to say, there is always a little joke in every joke ))
I like to do everything like I feel to do it and that is why when I hear unsolicited advices, I simply ignore it. Perhaps, that is why I don’t have many friends. I’m too old fashioned in this question: prefer to have a few close people I’d be sure in, than having a hundred and none of them will call me and ask how I. Somehow people am became so lonely in this world. Do you have your own answer for this question? As a rule, I am quite vigorous and it’s taking some time to get relax for me )) But there is some little weakness of mine you have to know about: if I am too tired, I can be too emotional. But after your tender hug, sweet kiss and a kind word you whisper to my ear, I am nice and fluffy again ))
