Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
56 kg (123 lbs)
167 cm (5'6'')
English level
Not filled
Current occupation
Marital status
Never married
Not filled
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Kristina 24
Kremenchuk, Ukraine
ID: 459395
Why are you here?
I'm here to find someone who is also positive thinking as I am. Reliability and courage an important role for me.I find a hero who will please me with his surroundings, give me a sincere smile. I believe in true love,I believe in sincere feelings. I think for happiness i need a warm male hugs that will wrap me with its warmth. Do you feel my positive aura?
Your character
I am a sincere and attractive girl,I like non-ordinary people with unusual facial features. I always look for people with a twist. I am a professional photographer. I like to fix happy moments on a film. I can say for sure is my dream job. Many years ago I dreamed about professional camera. Now I can't imagine my life without my device. I admire the evenings when i can walk around an empty waterfront and take pictures of incredible sunsets or stars. And if I'm lucky, I can take a picture of a falling star. It's amazing,incredible emotions that overflow my entire body. I feel real happy at such moments. And when I come home in the evening, I
review successful photos over a cup of coffee. I would be glad to make photos with you.
I already imagine you and I walking through the snow Alps and I take pictures of you the moment a snowflake falls light on your hand or when you wave to me after a steep ski descent.
Well, I really hope to make a reality my things with you.
review successful photos over a cup of coffee. I would be glad to make photos with you.
I already imagine you and I walking through the snow Alps and I take pictures of you the moment a snowflake falls light on your hand or when you wave to me after a steep ski descent.
Well, I really hope to make a reality my things with you.
Many years ago I dreamed about professional camera. Now I can't imagine my life without my device. I admire the evenings when i can walk around an empty waterfront and take pictures of incredible sunsets or stars. And if I'm lucky, I can take a picture of a falling star. It's amazing,incredible emotions that overflow my entire body. I feel real happy at such moments.