Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
43 kg (95 lbs)
160 cm (5'3'')
Not filled
English level
Not filled
Current occupation
Work in an IT company
Marital status
Never married
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Natalia 35
Astana, Kazakhstan
ID: 481241
Why are you here?
I realized that I shouldn't arrange castings and look for the perfect prince, and I also don't believe that love will find me on its own. In any relationship, there must be an effort from two partners.
An important aspect for me is passion, tenderness and care.
On these three aspects, you can build a full-fledged relationship, but you should never relax and stop developing.
It is under such circumstances that my partner will have an ideal woman, and I will have the most ideal man!
An important aspect for me is passion, tenderness and care.
On these three aspects, you can build a full-fledged relationship, but you should never relax and stop developing.
It is under such circumstances that my partner will have an ideal woman, and I will have the most ideal man!
Your character
I want to take care of my chosen one, do what makes him happy, and, of course, receive attention and care from him. I cannot feel completely happy without the man I love ... That is why I am here. After all, everything should be mutual, then there is harmony
I read a lot, I like to attend cultural and creative events. I spend time with my family, devote time to my dog. Doing something creative at home. I like yoga and stretching.
I am constantly going through some kind of training. I love to deeply learn the topics I like. I am interested in from exact sciences and space to creativity and esotericism. I really like to listen to people-experts in their field, who enthusiastically talk about their field
I am constantly going through some kind of training. I love to deeply learn the topics I like. I am interested in from exact sciences and space to creativity and esotericism. I really like to listen to people-experts in their field, who enthusiastically talk about their field