Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
65 kg (143 lbs)
170 cm (5'7'')
English, Russian
English level
Current occupation
Marital status
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Ludmila 48
Uman, Ukraine
ID: 506481
Why are you here?
The example of my closest friend's success brought me here. Irina and Richard begin their correspondence eighteen months ago. In January I've been on their wedding in Nashville, Tennessee. It is difficult to repeat someone else's experience, and there is no need to do it. We all have our own path, our own destiny. So maybe we can beat their record? What do you think, handsome?
Your character
My photos can tell you about my employment in the modeling business. But I'm not a professional model. I worked as a promotional model. Today I work as a hostess in a little and cozy local restaurant. I love this quiet job, but it won't hold me in case I will have to relocate.
It may sound confusing, but I don't have a specific image of the man I want to meet. I am an adult and experienced woman and I know myself quite well. I know that I will love a kind, simple, caring, funny and devoted man. I believe that you will not keep me waiting, my dear.
It may sound confusing, but I don't have a specific image of the man I want to meet. I am an adult and experienced woman and I know myself quite well. I know that I will love a kind, simple, caring, funny and devoted man. I believe that you will not keep me waiting, my dear.
It is easier to list what I have not tried and what I have not done. But, in short. I enjoy riding/driving. Cars, bicycles, motorcycles, even horses. But it's never extreme, just fun from time to time. Gym is a habit, hobby or addiction. Still can't decide. I am not a big fan of reading, but I can proudly say that in my life I have managed to read more than ten books. Kidding. Still at ten. Instead of reading, I prefer to watch an entertaining movie, on a comfortable couch, under the blanket. I love the beach, I even wanted to marry it. But then I realized that it couldn't satisfy one important female need. So here it is. Briefly, as promised.