Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
48 kg (106 lbs)
160 cm (5'3'')
English, Russian, Ukrainian
English level
Current occupation
Marital status
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Irina 42
Odesa, Ukraine
ID: 509023
Why are you here?
I'm addicted to a drug called Love!! *don't laugh at me, it's true!* I've come to find a new and last dealer who will supply me with this sweetest drug from the moment we met until the moment I don't want to think about... because happiness and pleasure don't disappear by themselves, people make them disappear! I have nothing to lose in love, but there is so much I want to gain!! Take me to a dark alley and offer me your goods... I’m already shaking with anticipation and the thought of your love flowing through my veins...
Your character
I don't think I achieved everything I wanted and the way I wanted! My dream job remained a dream, instead I managed to become a decent entrepreneur! The marriage of my dreams just seemed like a reality, but when the clock struck eight years together, the carriage turned into a pumpkin and the marriage turned into divorce... But I remain happy and positive, because hope, faith and love have not disappeared from this world! They live in romantic people who are attracted to each other!! We just need to not resist and allow something beautiful to happen...
My hobbies and interests only feed my enthusiasm and help me do what I value most - find a common language with people! I was engaged in trade, I was engaged in advertising, I worked as a waitress, and then I was engaged in the restaurant business, I worked in the field of cosmetology, I worked in the field of nutrition, one of the first jobs was working in a travel agency and I even traveled a little myself!! I try to live a healthy lifestyle, I like music and movies, mostly something that was made and written when I was little or even before I was born... I like to relieve stress by embroidery, pottery, painting, or just running or swimming - nothing professional, just fun activities! Well, the rest of this iceberg is underwater, want to dive in and explore it more?