Lady's Profile

Enchanting Presence: Elena, 33 y.o. from Kherson, Ukraine — VeronikaLove
Zodiac sign
50 kg (110 lbs)
168 cm (5'6'')
English, Russian, Ukrainian
English level
Not filled
Current occupation
Tourism management
Marital status
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Why are you here?
I am sure that you have already searched through thousands profiles. If you already did that, please, do not worry. I understand that you have a right to choose as well as that it means that you are a serious person who is really searching for the second half. I hope that you will find me being a bit different from the huge amount of other ladies profiles, though, just because I do not have a “list of wishes”.  I just want you to know that I am looking for a man that knows that words are cheap, but actions speak much louder. I see myself with a man who is older than me and who will never take me for grunted. I would also like to see myself next to a kind man who is a generous and understanding person. In other words, I know that you have a great soul and I will take you the way you are, dear.
Your character
I am a versatile and adaptable in the same time individual young ukrainian lady . I’m willing to help anyone in need and when I’m in, I’m all in, and I mean it. I do not like to throw my words on the wind and I expect people do not do that either   because I am very sensitive about that. I can easily see when a person is lying or his or her deeds do not match with what the person says. I am a thought- provoking with a great sense of humor person.  I like to improve myself all the time by learning about different and interesting things. I like my life to be neat and organized. I am good at making planes for future so they can be easily done and fulfilled. However, I do not like schedules, routine, and redundancy. When I get bored I like to travel and spend time outdoors. What are the good qualities do you have? I am very open to talk about that with you.
Spending time outdoors makes me feel wonderful. Long walks and jogging give me energy and help to keep my body in a good condition. I like swimming and do it during summer time very often. I like to go to the coast and swim in the sea too. I visit gym three times a week and I enjoy aerobics greatly.
