Lady's Profile

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Zodiac sign
65 kg (143 lbs)
170 cm (5'7'')
English, Russian, Other, Ukrainian
English level
Current occupation
Buying manager
Marital status
Never married
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Why are you here?
Candidly, I don't want you and I to be listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. We should continue our lineage of romantic, caring and sincere people with traditional family values.
I believe in the love I have observed for eighteen years. An engineer and a music teacher, such different professions and quite different personalities, but they found each other in this big world and gave life to me and my younger brother and sister.
What kind of job you have, how old you are and how far you live, it doesn't matter for love, and therefore it doesn't matter for me. Let you be just a man, and I’ll just be a woman, and we’ll make the task of love easier?
Your character
Above all I'm peaceful woman, also tender, kind-hearted, domestic and calm. However, I'm probably like that when I'm alone, when I feel safe and comfortable to allow myself to be vulnerable.
Close people are my strength. Thanks to the support and understanding of my family and friends, I decided to look for my happiness and love all over the world.
My parents showed me that you can have a simple life and still feel like the most special and rich person in the world. Therefore, I'm not a materialistic woman and appreciate spirituality in people and nurture it in myself.
Although I'm mostly calm, it does not mean that you will be bored with me. I like to diversify the space around me, discover new ways of pleasure and it's absolutely normal for me to show care for loved ones in accordance with their individual needs.
My mother likes to knit and grow houseplants and I also enjoy these as my hobbies. My father likes more active things, thanks to him I always led a healthy lifestyle and tried to do different sports - kayaking, cycling, self-defence (jiu-jitsu), tennis and volleyball.
I'm a grateful, respectful and caring daughter and I'm firmly convinced that I will become such a wife for a romantic, caring and passionate gentleman.But this is information that everyone can read, and I will share something truly intimate with you personally.
