Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
55 kg (121 lbs)
170 cm (5'7'')
Not filled
English level
Current occupation
QA Manager
Marital status
Never married
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Aleksandra 25
Dnipro, Ukraine
ID: 530141
Why are you here?
World is so big and I believe my man can be everywhere. It can be my neighbor, or it can be man from Australia, or it can be man from New York, you never know. So this is what I am doing. I am exploring this world to find my man. I believe, if he see me – he will immadiately come to my side and be in one team with me.
Your character
I am wonderful person. You will be surprised how good I can be. You need to learn how to handle me))
It will be easy, because I respect men. I adore men. But the problem is, I want to out all this energy for one. For you maybe? If you never try – you will never know.
It will be easy, because I respect men. I adore men. But the problem is, I want to out all this energy for one. For you maybe? If you never try – you will never know.
I have a lot of life motto's
First is “If you knock the door and door is not open – knock until somebody will open to you”
Second is “Everything have a start and everything have a finish”
Third is “When you want other people to hear you, not necessary to scream, somebody you need to be silent.
I will tell you more in chat about me
First is “If you knock the door and door is not open – knock until somebody will open to you”
Second is “Everything have a start and everything have a finish”
Third is “When you want other people to hear you, not necessary to scream, somebody you need to be silent.
I will tell you more in chat about me