Lady's Profile

Zodiac sign
53 kg (117 lbs)
168 cm (5'6'')
Not filled
English level
Current occupation
fitness trainer
Marital status
Never married
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?
Paola Alexandra 27
Kentucky, United States
ID: 530171
Why are you here?
A man needs to be loved, as well as a girl, for the inner world, I very much welcome men with humor, I like to laugh and joke myself. I love this life very much and I know that you need to take everything from it to the maximum and you need to love it, so I want my man to also love this life and be ready to take the best from it, and I will help him in this! I am ready to be in sorrow and joy, to make life better and better every day, a happy man is the key to a happy family life!
Your character
It may seem unusual, but by nature I am very calm and I always want to have an idyll, love and tranquility in a relationship, I have no goal to make my man a stay-at-home,I really love an active lifestyle, so I am always ready to keep you company in any kind of walk.It may seem funny, but I am very easy on the rise and in the literal and figurative sense of these words, it seems to me that the initial task of a girl is to make all the conditions for her beloved person to be happy, if my beloved person is happy, then I will also be happy.
I am a very versatile girl,I chose my hobbies and my job with my soul to enjoy every day, I also want to find a beloved man with the help of the call of my heart. I love singing, I studied vocals as a child and still practice the acquired skill,I love cooking,I do fitness and work as a fitness trainer, I want to help girls love themselves and their bodies.Also dancing, skiing, I love it all very much and where without cooking, it's important, because it seems to me that a man's heart lies through his stomach, and I want to win your love, but do you think you need to earn love or fate has decided everything for us?