Lady's Profile

Timeless Beauty: Victoriya, 29 y.o. from Dnipro, Ukraine — VeronikaLove
Zodiac sign
61 kg (134 lbs)
170 cm (5'7'')
English level
Current occupation
Marital status
Never married
Christian - General
Are you a smoker?
Not smoking
Will you date a smoker?
Not filled
Do you have children?

Victoriya 29

Dnipro, Ukraine

ID: 458897

Victoriya's photos

Why are you here?
The one who will sweep me off my feet ad fill my heart with passion and desire really would need to be a very special man. When I say special, I mean it would need to be someone sincere, kind, humorous and gentle. I think the best way to win my heart would be with a warm smile and a nice humorous joke. I am looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with, so it would really need to be someone with serious and honest intentions, willing to love and be loved back by me. I am also incredibly affectionate so it would be a huge bonus if he is affectionate back and likes to hold hands and whisper cute little sweet things in my ear. What you look like is irrelevant to me; as soon as I will fall for your personality, your appearance is simply irrelevant; but for me a big must is someone who is clean, likes to take care of his appearance and has a beautiful smile. 
Your character
I am a wonderful woman with a thirst for life; full of positivity and ability to love and need and desire to be loved back. I always have a smile on my face and my eyes just sparkle with a wish to love. I am a very sociable and easy going person; I find it easy to make friends and talk to anyone who is sincere and honest. What I value the most in people is honesty and integrity. I am a strong believe that in today’s world people need to be kinder to one another and a quick smile could quite possibly make someone’s day better and brighter.  I am young, full of energy and spark. I am healthy and I lead an active lifestyle, I am no executive chef but I can promise you that you will never feel a hunger pang when I am around. 
In my spare time I love to read and dance. I used to be very sporty and take part in a lot of activities. Nowadays I just go to the gym and join classes to work out. My new found passion is dancing and yoga. I really enjoy that. I like reading and watching movies too. I am a quick learner and like to enjoy new things so my hobbies are expanding all the time.
